DIY Filter Test

Today, i managed to made DIY filter and it working perfectly.

Beside this is my mini filter that i had made with Man Hu. everything look perfect and same go with the water flow.

I going to run for 24 hour to check whether any leaking and failure.

Writer : Steve Wong ~ a blog about AquaScaping

This article DIY Filter Test is published by Steve Wong on Saturday, 22 September 2012. Hopefully the post benefits everyone. Thank you for your visit, Kindly leave your valuable comment(s). There is 4 comment(s): in this post DIY Filter Test


  1. Good job. The hose try cut as short as possible and the box position try same level with aquarium so the motor power can fully use.

  2. yeah steve.. the suction power is a bit weak, we need greater power.. but overall it's working ^^

  3. and when the sponge clogged with fish's shits and dead plant.
    the pump need strong enough to forced the water go through it

    if can, use those pump for pond fountain.
    and shortest distance of hose on your next modification...

  4. yes, i plan to do a perfection on next filter by getting a bigger tank also correct equipment.. this mini tank is just a basic filtering
