Good day every aquarist or i should say aquascapist.
I was yet to begin with my aquascape, but from research, i found out that below listed item seem to be very useful to aquaplanting. Feel free to recommend any better solution. ^_^
1. Ammonia Alert - Ammonia is #1 killer for our little cute fish, we must avoid it at all cost for the sack of our baby. This little thing is use for detecting ammonia existent in your tank which will help you determine your next step.. (change water/use other product that can reduce ammonia level).
2. pH Alert - pH is another factor that cause the growth of plant & fish health. This little sensor can detect pH level between 5.8 - 8.2 but strictly for freshwater use only.
3. Plant Pack : Fundamental - consist of Flourish, Flourish Excel & Flourish Iron.
- Flourish include most of the required fertilizer for plant growth.
- Flourish Iron specially to increase iron which prevent chlorosis (yellowing) of plant.
- Flourish Excel can said as a substitute to CO2, when continually supplying CO2 might caused low pH.
4. Plant Pack : Enhancer, NPK : contain Flourish Nitrogen, Flourish Phosphorus, Flourish Potassium.
- Flourish Nitrogen supply nitrate & plant-preferred ammonia which enhance plant growth.
- Flourish Potassium mainly is to prevent potassium depletion which caused yellowing in older leaves.
- Flourish Phosphorus will enhance and accelerate plant growth without enhancing algae growth.
hope this will help you plant growth ^_^
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