Aquascape - Planted Tank (Golden Shine)

Writer : Mann ~ a blog about AquaScaping

This article Aquascape - Planted Tank (Golden Shine) is published by Mann on Sunday 29 July 2012. Hopefully the post benefits everyone. Thank you for your visit, Kindly leave your valuable comment(s). There is 5 comment(s): in this post Aquascape - Planted Tank (Golden Shine)


  1. I can sense u and steve ada Wai Hum kat pisang fall... hem hem

  2. tak lah wai hum sangat.. cuma tak cukup masa buat investigation.. but ther got not much to find also..

  3. i just hope the moss can grow.. >"< hopefuly...

  4. I see many plant leh.. just those plant grow emerse so u didnt recognise it. If u put them in ur tank, it might grow new submerse leaf. Realy wish to try it...

  5. wait what.. we can go again anytime.. :p
