Breeding Black Molly

On 25th July onward, i saw 4 black molly fries, 1 of it seems like not healthy, so by night it was gone.. left 3 mollies survived.. for your information, my tank temperature stay between 26-28 degree half planted tank. On 31st July, my molly mom gave birth to more mollies.. in morning i saw around 8 - 12 molly fries in total.. by that night there is around 18-20 molly fries :p can open shop already.. haha!!
enjoy the picture below ^^

Writer : Mann ~ a blog about AquaScaping

This article Breeding Black Molly is published by Mann on Tuesday, 31 July 2012. Hopefully the post benefits everyone. Thank you for your visit, Kindly leave your valuable comment(s). There is 3 comment(s): in this post Breeding Black Molly


  1. fish breed is a sign of clean water... good job. But beware that this Molly will keep breeding uncontrolable...

    My molly only breed 3, then 2 missing. left 1 only.

  2. i also worried this.. later too many fish dunno put where.. but i think can control easily.. just separate male and female.. ^^

  3. Open shop and sell it lar ... haha
