Introduction to Flora & Fauna in Golden Shine Tank

A picture is worth a thousand words.. enjoy the photo taken.. ^^

Flora in my tank

Hemianthus Callitrichoides (HC) newly introduce to my tank, just 1 day old.. :p

 Blyxa Japonica i same old as my HC

Anubias Nana same old as Blyxa

Hygrophila polysperma Rosanervig recently i only know it's name.. this plant is very sturdy.. it's with me before even i have this tank.. it survive in low light, low mineral tank.. today.. they are happy and growing fast like F1..

another easy & fast growing.. Limnophila sessiliflora, nice for background and hiding place.. my little black molly love it..

the focus should be the plant on left.. it was Sagittaria Subulata..

of cause is not Anubias nana.. it just havent fully grown Anubias Barteri..

This is a trophy gain from Pisang Waterfall trip wth my buddy.. i wonder what type of moss is this.. it's still alive.. when we pick it up, it's not submerge yet.. it was still at side of the river near the tree..

same as above.. a trophy.. it's a piece of tree bark i tear off from a fallen tree trunk.. i suspect it was coral moss or star moss ??

miniature view from bottom of the tank..

Flora in my tank

Here come my golden team.. 2 x female guppy and a male behind..

1 x Female sunset molly (i think she's pregnant ^^) 1 x male behind.. and a.. male guppy tail..

my cleaning crew Mr. Otocinclus x 4

they never stop working..

here is the new generation of black molly.. can't get the exact amount.. roughly 20x anyone want some ?? :p

cute and adorable..

it's her again..

Oto.. nop.. this is siamese flying fox x 2, actually i was thought of getting siamese algae eater (SAE), but somehow i got this.. anyway they are good tankmate.. ^^

curiously looking at the camera..

candid camera..

female guppy.. (If i'm not mistaken she's still virgin..

male guppy.. work harder to fertilize the female pls..

look into my ass you dude..

- The End -

the overall is in the video below..

Writer : Mann ~ a blog about AquaScaping

This article Introduction to Flora & Fauna in Golden Shine Tank is published by Mann on Friday 3 August 2012. Hopefully the post benefits everyone. Thank you for your visit, Kindly leave your valuable comment(s). There is 4 comment(s): in this post Introduction to Flora & Fauna in Golden Shine Tank


  1. healthy looking plant.... the Japonice seems rare. never seen those for sale... show me your whole aquarium. see how u arrange them coz im curious thats alot of plants...

    1. i updated the video in this post.. check out.. ^^ actually just a piece of messy planted tank.. but my mission now is to experience how the plant grow.. this is an experiment tank.. in future.. i think will get a 2 feet tank with super lighting.. ^^ this tank lighting is too weak, what it depends was the sunlight filtered by windows.. anyway the plant is growing ^^ now let's see whether the HC can grow.. by the way i already trim and replant whole tank.. update next time..

  2. yesterday i went ikano nampak Blyxa Japonica, u must brought there.. hem hemm...

  3. bukan la.. i bought it from Nilufar with steve last thursday.. :p
